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Amazing bycicles. The truth about folding bycicles

I have been stunned by how the world has developed in technology. The newest technology that is invented, always seems to amaze us. However, there is a thin line between old and new technology. Through my extensive research, I was able to find this irony of folding bycicles.

As a child, I used to own a bycicle. It didn't ever occur to me that one day, I would come across a bycicle that could fold. The amazing fact is that these bycicles have been in production since the beginning of the 20th century.

The Pedersen bycicle developed by Mikael Pedersen in Dursely, England, was the first folding bycicle to be created. Since then, folding bycicles have been used largely, for millitary purposes. For example, the Italians have used them since 1917 during the First World War while the British used them during the 1942-1945 world war II. It is thus, no surprise to those who think it is new technology, that the invention that is more than a century old is still being used.

The bycicles come in a wide range of folding mechanisms. These include half or mid fold, vertical fold, magnetic fold amongst others. If you thus, need to carry a bycicle and save space for more goods, consider these type of bikes. Common models available today include: the Stowabike, Euromini and Verdict available at Amazon store for between $100 and $190.

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